Tutorial on OWL Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Ian Horrocks, and Sean Bechhofer (morning) The goal of the tutorial will be to provide an introduction and a working knowledge of OWL, including the history and background of OWL, the formal underpinnings of OWL, and pragmatic issues related to OWL. The tutorial will also address the building and use of OWL ontologies along with a demonstration of the use of a reasoner with an OWL ontology. Table of Contents Introduction: - a general overview of the Semantic Web - ontologies and ontology languages - the Resource Description Framework (RDF) - a history of the development of OWL, including discussion of precursors OIL and DAML+OIL - description logics and frames - formal issues, model theory and complexity - the use of reasoning with ontology languages The OWL language: - the purpose of OWL - examples of the language - the sublanguages of OWL: OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL Full Using OWL - examples of the use of OWL ontologies within applications Formal issues - model theory - relationship with description logic languages - reasoning in OWL - complexity of reasoning - trade-offs between expressivity and tractability Using OilEd: - creating and manipulating ontologies; - demonstration of the use of a reasoner during ontology construction. Supporting Material Not all support material that will be distributed is yet available in its final form. The basic information is, however, present in the following documents. W3C Web Ontology Working Group (WebOnt) Technical Reports available under http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ The OilEd ontology editor http://oiled.man.ac.uk $Id: owltutorial.txt,v 1.1 2003/07/23 20:34:06 mdean Exp $